Warren Camp’s New
Bible Quiz
Feel Free to Use Your Bible!
This quiz
provides an enjoyable approach to seeing what you now know about Paul’s literary masterpiece that’s full of gospel-packing punch.
Questions come in various forms: multiple choice, drop-down menu, fill-in, double fill-in, and "True or False."
If you are unsure of a correct answer or would like to remind yourself of key points of both epistles, before starting or retaking the quiz, click any of the "Summary page" links on
this page
Best of quizzing!
Remember to answer every question
clicking the "Answer this question" button on each page.
Scoring —
Correct answers earn 4 points toward your perfect score of 100.
Feel free to take the quiz more than once. Answers and Bible references appear upon completion of each quiz round.
Ready to start the 25-question quiz?
Got your Bible open?
Warren’s quiz page
to find his Hearty Boys quizzes: “Matthew,” “Sermon on the Mount,” “Luke’s Gospel,” “Jesus’ Parables,” “Acts,” “1 and 2 Corinthians,” “Ephesians,” “Hebrews,” “Peter’s Two Epistles,” “John’s Three Epistles,” and “1 and 2 Samuel.”
this page
, you can read or follow Warren’s weekly Bible study commentaries: Matthew’s gospel, Luke’s gospel, Acts, 1 and 2 Corinthians, the Parables of Jesus, Ephesians, Hebrews, 1 and 2 Peter, John’s three epistles, 1 and 2 Samuel, and more.
• Just published!
Open Warren Camp’s seventeen
Peter Masterpieces
” photo albums, including 550 famous “Peter” famous works of art by celebrated artists: Rembrandt, Raphael, Michelangelo, El Greco, Goya, Da Vinci, Masaccio, Huret, Galle, Tissot, Botticelli, Dürer, Rubens, and many more.
Warren Camp is the creative energy behind Warren Camp Design (WCD), now offering a full complement of Internet marketing and design solutions, focusing on Christian endeavors. WCD provides attractive web design, photo editing, graphic design, and a collection of print and digital resources for churches, missionaries, and Bible-study groups.
When an artist uses his gifts to glorify the Lord, He brings a little bit of heaven to earth. Collaboration with God can be one of the most fulfilling experiences in the universe, for you and for Him.
” — Warren Camp
So far,
visits have been made to Warren’s
'Ephesians' quiz.